Toward the middle of the 21st century, the environmental crisis was crippling the conventional economy, and the exhaustion of the planet’s oil reserves (petroleum) was intensifying the difficulties worldwide. None of the answers neither any solutions from the governments were satisfying the population. Some people wanted to keep the old capitalism running no matter what, believing the economy has the long-term answers for everything. Others were looking at the results of that system and they were inquiring for a greater change with insistence. They were demanding profound modifications applied to almost everything. Something like a more benevolent system, founded on humanism instead of based on possessions and riches. A definite split occurred among the population and each person joined either one or the other between two corresponding groups. The humanists stopped buying goods and products which were not complying all the way with the standards, or with the norms they did formulate. The Humanism Norms of Approval came into place. Gradually, all human activities on the planet had to respect the environment and to protect all living organisms. Goods, products, and services had to be achieved in that manner otherwise no one would buy any of them. Most of the companies and the societies did adapt their activities or they did modify them complying with these so-called "Humanist Norms of Approval", which quickly became known as The HNA Standard. Things did really change for the better over the course of twenty years.

The second key factor which did contribute in a large part to the overall changes was the multiculturalism. There was no major cultural differences between people anymore. Everyone was related to each other ethnic by their parents. The people on the planet became one nation.
Several powerful individuals who had lots of influence and authority did join under the humanist intents. Scientists, scholars, designers, engineers, inventors and technicians. Many of them came from the aeronautic and space industries, which had been suffering from a general critical deficiency of funding. These people did draw a series of plan in order to establish the means for a new concerted humanist task as a joined effort, a kind of common goal everyone can play a part in.

First, they did organise the financial structure by carefully placing accounts in strategic trusts and holdings, invested in societies that honour the HNA Standard. The currency injections toward these accounts had been secured from worldwide corporate and private donator’s. The interests coming from these accounts started to fund the operations of the new organisation. The non-profit society legal status and the greatest concern given to its finances were working very well. The society was operating airspace vehicles, a fleet of modern aeroplanes transporting people everywhere free of charge. The great efficiency of the members and that of the organisation itself allowed them to involve a futuristic approach. They did put to use new methods and advanced techniques. More reliable equipment and material, increasing proficient expertise, more specialised mechanisms. The organisation was growing bigger every month. After a couple of years, it had gained widespread respect and authority. The particular financial structure and the unique effectiveness of the means did grant the organisation complete freedom of operation. This setting gave way to the next phase of development, operations in space. The activities were already involving air transport around the Earth. They were adding orbital conveyance, handling and procedures, space laboratory facilities, even space exploration inside our solar system. Soon the organisation was to embody a flight instructional institution supplying its own pilot corps, maintenance crews and operation technicians. It also continued recruiting eminent scientists to join in with teams of experts at managing specific activities and performing complying studies. Considering some particular instances, the organisation had agreed to associate with other societies or agencies to accommodate specific resources. Its help was urgently requested when an overwhelming instability had brought confrontation in the Middle-East. In that case, joined efforts with the then newly formed FAI (Force Armée Internationale, European based international armed forces) has been extremely successful in bringing peace.
The absolute autonomy of the institution was kept unfettered by any government, nor military agencies, nor private interests. It did guarantee freedom of operation into open airspace everywhere on the Earth, including off-planet space. The organisation’s fleet was then to consist of aeroplanes, airspace vehicles, orbiter spacecraft and space ships/vessels.

Because the essence of the organisation has always been to bring new methods, modern solutions, and advanced concepts, the society was named:
The Earth Star Flight Academy, the ESFA.

After forty years, it became the organisation that is providing independent means for atmospheric transits (aeroplanes), for orbital transits (space shuttles), for space laboratories, research and manufacturing, for space exploration with its own crafts, vessels, expertise, management and regulations.

In order to accomplish this huge project, the ESFA already knew it had to bring forward radical changes. And the people had to be willing to adapt themselves. The humanists had to be more than inclined to modify their way of life in the long run. At that time, the initial movement was becoming a real profound progress.

When they were considering space, they felt really compelled to realise how vast the unknown is. Not only in terms of general knowledge, but most particularly in the field of ethnology: Analysing the social behaviour of humans, in regard to their historical development, understanding the origin, the distribution, and distinguishing the characteristics of humankind. And since they were talking about human in space, from simple travelling to greater expectations, they were obliged to examine carefully all related implications. Because this kind of a project is to bring out and transform the essential elements of human social behaviours and attitudes.

They had to embrace a new approach toward the intake and outlet of material resources. One which would be sitting on the basic consideration of long term persistence. The method they proposed strictly allows using only the available surpluses, and to alternate between a series of sites as the surpluses diminishes in one. The transformed resources are returned (outlet) to the temporary engaged site, which will recycle them. Rotating in this manner between a series of ten sites over the years give time for each to process and replenish the surpluses, which will then be available again. They called this method "Zone Mapping for Resources Intake and Outlet". It allows the community, or the "temporary utilisers", to grow and to develop while keeping the environment uncontaminated. Consequently they could be attending other matters of higher levels. And the valuable side-effect appeared to be that, after having been achieved and performed by the ESFA, these methods could then be applied everywhere on the planet Earth. Encouraged by this thought, they started considering a Comprehensive Method for the humans to behave with the intake and outlet of material resources. Once this project would be achieved, the possibility for the human people to grow, to develop, and to attend space exploration appeared in sight. Though primarily motivated by the space travelling requirements, the new method would be useful in solving the indigence on the Earth. The Comprehensive Sustenance method was being put together.

The ESFA people, scientists, designers, engineers, inventors and technicians, they began by putting down the very basic requirements. A scheme or a design was needed for the humans to survive in a limited resources area, inside a defined zone, or within a confined habitat. Because whether it is on a planet or inside a spaceship, the fact is the resources are extremely limited and they have to be re-utilised almost indefinitely.

Nutrition habits characterises the manner in which nutriments are supplied to the metabolism. Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates as well as vitamins and minerals have to be prepared. In a society, as within an organisation, where health and occupation prevails, the fashion to get the nutriments is not really important. What matters at the bottom line is to get the required daily dose of sustenance, without respect to their form. Processing food consists essentially in initiating the digestion to make it easier for the stomach. The processing of food requires a collection of instruments, it monopolises whole rooms, demands a lot of time and energy. In the aspect of considering billions of individuals on the planet and people living in space, this activity on a large scale brings a number of considerable problems. And this type of chore simply does not correspond to higher levels of comprehension and applications. The ESFA people did choose to put forward the concept that humans are destined to a larger scope of perception. And they have to adapt their way of life in accordance with that design. Their intellectual development summons them to be inquiring quite higher levels of occupations.

For the purpose of solving the human sustenance equation with an advanced consideration, materialising a precocious practical approach, they had to strictly refer to vegetarianism. It is the practice of subsisting on a diet composed wholly of organic vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Water, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are the basic building blocks of a good diet. The healthiest forms of each of these nutrients, and ingesting them in the proper balance, enables the body to function at its optimal level. Carbohydrates supply the body with the energy it needs to function. They are found almost exclusively in plant foods. Protein is essential for growth and development. It is needed for the manufacture of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, tissues, and to help maintain the proper acid-alkali balance in the body. Brown rice, seeds, corn, wheat, nuts, and beans (soybean) comestibles offers complete proteins. They contain the essential amino acids plus several other nutrients. Lipids, polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats (fatty acids), are needed as less than twenty to twenty-five percent of daily calories. Mono-unsaturated fatty acids are found mostly in vegetable and nut oils (olive, peanut, and canola). Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower oils. Vitamins and minerals, referred to as micronutrients, are needed in relatively small amounts compared with the four basic nutrients.

Sustenance, as the method of administering nourishment, necessitates a steady and constant supply of nutrients from organic sources. Intensive agriculture involves a complex system to ensure the rotation of the crops, to maintain the harvesting but not to corrupt the fields. To maintain the health, it was imperative not to insert chemical substances of any kinds, nor armful elements neither potentially damaging materials.

The research team did recognise that for a very long time the Nature has been making use of a commendable method. The ecosystem consists of two basic circuits, intertwined with each other, providing for the intake of nutrients and treating the residues as to re-insert them into the chain of processes. The result is a continuous action, a series of operations taking place in a definite manner, which sustain the biological metabolism and all related activities. The long term persistence goal requires putting in place sort of a system that resembles the functioning of the natural ecosystem, because it is a crystal-clear applicable example of the adequate system. In pragmatic terms, super-nutritive organic tablets had to be produced for providing all what the body need. A contrivance, integrated mechanisms, had to be put in place on a large scale for supplying the people means of permanent sustenance. The nutrients inventory had to be processed and transformed into Organic Nutrients Caplets. Personal rations were then to be distributed and delivered to the people, according with each their own diet.

Capsules (or pills) are quite easy to administer and flexible in usage. The biggest advantage with capsules is their compact form and shape; even with their tiny form, they contain a precise and worthy amount of components. Capsules possess a long shelf life, they are clean and hygienic in their quality.

The mechanisms responsible for the production (farming, fruit-gardening, etc.) did organised themselves toward this project and they started supplying raw materials. The function of the transformation mechanisms and the preparation instruments was to grind and to filter the raw material, isolating the nutritious elements and producing a coarse powder, which was then condensed, hardened and dehydrated into small tablets or capsules. This process was transforming and assembling the nutrient substrates into rich portions; biological nutritive organic aggregates, or ONCs (Organic Nutrients Caplets). All the required elements providing sustenance to the metabolism and for the maintenance of the physiological health was to be supplied to each individual by a personalised ration of these organic nutrients caplets. The personal diet comes down to the appropriate quantity of these ONCs, providing between one thousand two hundred (1200) and one thousand eight hundred (1800) calories per day. [A calorie, also called nutritionist's calorie, is a unit of energy-producing potential equal to this amount of heat that is contained in food and released upon oxidation by the body.]. This organic nutrients caplets diet had to be combined with a regular intake of distilled water, at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. [Distilled water is preferable because it is water from which impurities, as dissolved salts and colloidal particles, have been removed by one or more processes of distillation; it simply is chemically pure water.]. Whether or not the person is inside a low gravity/artificial atmosphere confined habitat, the water can be replaced or combined with fruits and natural juices of all sorts, when they are available.

On a monthly base, the proper quantity of ONCs and water began being delivered, primarily to the ESFA staff, crews, and personnel. And very soon, many countries on the planet have adopted this system for supplying sustenance to their people. A universal individual supply of subsistence and distilled water, basically free of charge though volunteer donations were welcomed Huge temperate warehouses have been installed everywhere, because the distribution and delivery had to reach every individuals in all places; areas, sectors, districts and territories or countries.

From the moment this particular manner of which nutriments are supplied to the people was operating, the raw material production, the harvesting and the transformation processes of the nutritive inventory, including the distribution of the resulting ONCs (Organic Nutrients Caplets), had to be entirely automated. This was achieved by a gradual implementation.
In addition to this procedure of supplying nutriments to the people, another similar series of operations had to be carried on, but its opposite or the reverse course of events. These two twinned systems had to be paired together. Conveyances had to go and gather the residues; dehydrated physiological dejection, solid detritus, and the remains of transformation, by-products, had to be amassed, disassociated and each component set apart. Afterward, a reliable recycling process had to take place. Biological substances were made to assist composting, helped with enzymes decaying organic matter, providing nutrients to the production of crops. Energised beams breaking loose the molecular bonds and dividing the solid matter, recovering each substance into its sheer element. As a result, there was a constant reserve of clean matter, or molecules, ready to be reused. Nothing could be wasted, no elements could be rejected outward, nor directed toward the exterior of this circuit. Except for being temporary stored in the anticipation of being treated subsequently, nothing was to be found untreated back into the environment.

Both these twinned circuits, functioning as one fully integrated system for provisioning the nutrients and recovering the residues, was enclosing the intake and outlet of material resources, circumscribing the related activities from the surrounding environment. Each individual on the Earth had to be uphold and sustained by this system, from birth until death. The ESFA provided shuttles to the distribution and delivery circuit, along with those to the recovering circuit. They had to start combing each and every inhabited sectors regularly, connecting warehouses to local distribution centres. The automated network was ensuring that everyone is sustained, making sure that all residues are recuperated, and that the environment remains uncontaminated.

It is quite a radical change to the diet habit that was demanded. Nevertheless, this method is really eliminating the problems related to the individual sustenance, and those derived from the human community activities.

It became perfectly obvious that this Comprehensive Method for humans to behave with the intake and outlet of material resources was allowing the community to grow and to develop along with the local medium. The entire civilisation would grow and develop, not only the few. And while this Advanced Method of administering nourishment was being automated, humans could finally be attending other matters of much higher levels without affecting negatively the sites, nor the resources inventory, neither the environment. Space, could then be considered in a realistic manner.

Following the implementation of this input/output treatment system, tremendous advances have been made in technological applications. Along with extensive developments in many fields of science, these have lead the way to convenient space travelling.

Elementary Considerations

The ESFA is considering that the universe is electric.
The Electric Cosmos, related to the Electric Plasma Physics.

This represents a major change as adding the Electric Plasma Physics to the theories of traditional cosmology and astrophysics. The Cosmic space is full of electricity, as electric plasma. Plasma physicists know that 96% of the universe is not made up with "invisible matter" (Dark Matter) but rather with matter in the plasma state. Electromagnetic forces between electrical charges are many orders of magnitude stronger than Newton’s gravitational force, and we are finding that deep space is filled with electrical charges and magnetic energy. Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic field theory. In addition to those of Kepler and Newton; gravity, magnetism, and fluid dynamics, many cosmic phenomena are due to forces other than gravity, fluid flow, and magnetism. Modern explanations of all the astrophysics are found in the properties of the electric plasma that fills more than 99% of the universe.

Honouring Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén;
(May 30, 1908; Norrköping, Sweden, April 2, 1995).
Swedish plasma physicist and Nobel laureate for his work on the theory of magnetohydrodynamics. He was originally trained as an electrical power engineer and later moved to research and teaching in the fields of plasma physics. Alfvén made many contributions to plasma physics, including theories describing the behaviour of aurora, the Van Allen radiation belts, the effect of magnetic storms on the Earth's magnetic field, the terrestrial magnetosphere, and the dynamics of plasmas in the Milky Way galaxy.

Plasma: ionised Gas.

Plasma refers to an ionised gas, in which a certain proportion of electrons are free, rather than being bound to an atom or molecule. The ability of the positive and negative charges to move somewhat independently makes the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to electromagnetic fields. Plasma therefore has properties quite unlike those of solids, liquids or gases and is considered to be a distinct state of matter. Plasma typically takes the form of neutral gas-like clouds (e.g. stars).

An astrophysical plasma is a plasma (an ionised gas) found in astronomy whose physical properties are studied in the science of astrophysics. Much of the baryonic matter of the universe is thought to consist of plasma, a state of matter in which atoms and molecules are so hot, that they have ionised by breaking up into their constituent parts, negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. Because the particles are charged, they are strongly influenced by electromagnetic forces, that is, by magnetic and electric fields.

Interstellar medium (or ISM) is the gas and dust that pervade interstellar space, the matter that exists between the stars within a galaxy. It fills interstellar space and blends smoothly into the surrounding intergalactic medium. Intergalactic space is the physical space between galaxies. Generally free of dust and debris, intergalactic space is very close to a total vacuum.
Plasma cosmology is a non-standard cosmology generally attributed to Nobel Prize winner Hannes Alfvén in the 1960s that attempts to explain the development of the visible universe through the interaction of electromagnetic forces in astrophysical plasma. The universe is an equal mixture of ionised matter and anti-matter [Cosmos-Subcosmos] in the form of ambiplasma that naturally separate as annihilation reactions occurred accompanied by a tremendous release of energy. In the universe, electromagnetic forces are equal in importance with gravitation on the largest scales. Interplanetary space, interstellar space, and intergalactic space are all filled with ions and electrons (electric charges): we call this Plasma. There are vast magnetic fields also and long filaments of moving charges (electric currents). These filaments make up a vast stringy spaghetti-like structure of interconnected paths upon which stars and galaxies form and which are surrounded by magnetic fields. The electromagnetic forces that exist in this environment vastly overpower gravitational forces. These long filaments are called "Birkeland currents" and they have a property of being able to squeeze clouds of matter together: this is called the "z-pinch" effect.

The Sun is powered, not from within itself, but from outside, by the electric (Birkeland) currents that flow in our arm of our galaxy as they do in all galaxies.

Complément français (Univers Électrique).

Seuls les champs électriques sont requis pour accélérer les particules chargées dans l'espace. Au début ils formulèrent l'hypothèse de courants électriques du Soleil allumant les aurores boréales et australes de la planète. Lorsque les sondes détectèrent la signature magnétique des courants électriques dans les aurores, la théorie fut harmonisée avec le fait que la magnétosphère planétaire constitue une chape impénétrable qui déclenche l'activité aurorale sous la "pression" du vent solaire. Les mêmes modèles de base sont vus aux niveaux du laboratoire, planétaires, stellaires, et galactiques. La durée est proportionnelle à la taille. Une étincelle qui dure des micro-secondes dans le laboratoire peut continuer pendant des années aux échelles planétaires ou stellaires, ou des millions d'années aux échelles galactiques et intergalactiques. En plus de confirmer les aurores, les expériences électriques ont aussi simulé les anneaux planétaires et les manifestations énergétiques des jets cométaires.

Les flux de courant, en raison de l'attraction à longue portée et de la répulsion à courte distance entre les filaments de courant, les "champs magnétiques tordus", sont tout simplement la signature d'un flux de courant électrique. Dans le cosmos, ces filaments de plasma entrelacés agissent comme des lignes électriques qui véhiculent des "champs magnétiques alignés" sur les courants, à travers l'espace interplanétaire et interstellaire. Les puissants courants électriques et les décharges d'énergie solaire dénotent le potentiel explosif de la "double couche", la structure commune à toutes les gaines de plasma, ces rétrécissements cellulaires qui entourent les objets chargés électriquement plongés dans le plasma, tout comme la magnétosphère terrestre. L'intelligibilité de nombreux phénomènes spatiaux, notamment l'explosion de comètes, des supernovae, et des expulsions de masse coronale, provient de la dynamique des explosions de la double couche électrique.

Dans les photographies en plan extrêmement rapproché d'une tache solaire, des cordages comme des filaments de la pénombre, aux bords de la tache solaire présentent les structures conséquentes au principe des aigrettes d’anode, un effet de la décharge du plasma du Soleil électrique chargé positivement. Les décharges électriques dans le plasma prennent la forme de ces long, tenus et tortillés filaments. Puisqu'elles sont les cheminées des tornades de plasma rougeoyant, elles semblent plus foncées en leurs centres. Clairement, l'explication électrique des taches solaires, comme celle de la pénombre, est enracinée dans le comportement observé de la décharge de plasma.

Rapidement, une nouvelle manière de voir l'univers physique émerge soulignant le rôles prépondérant du plasma et de l'électricité dans l'espace, et réduit la contribution de la pesanteur dans les événements cosmiques. Les champs magnétiques partout, même dans le "vide" des profondeurs de l'espace intergalactique, ne peuvent pas exister sans courants électriques causal. Ainsi, l'univers apparaît comme étant constitué presque entièrement de plasma électriquement actif. C’est La cosmologie du plasma.

Les étoiles brillent parce qu'elles sont reliées aux circuits électriques de la galaxie. L'éclat d'une étoile (électrique) dépend de la puissance du courant électrique l'alimentant, pas de la quantité disponible de carburant nucléaire à brûler. En conséquence, une étoile (électrique) n'évolue pas. La tension électrique produit sans aucun doute d’énormes réactions nucléaires plus ou moins à la façon dont nous produisons des réactions nucléaires en laboratoire, en bombardant des cibles avec des particules accélérées électriquement. Et de la même manière les réactions ont lieu sur et près de la surface, pas dans le noyau. Les étoiles sont formées aux points focaux des décharges électriques dans le plasma poussiéreux de l'espace.

C'est l'électricité qui active les étoiles, notre Soleil inclus. En raison de la nature de la décharge électrique, la température du Soleil augmente au-dessus de la photosphère, jusqu’aux températures coronales de 2 millions de degrés. Toute étoile possède un champ électrique. Pendant que les particules chargées du vent solaire s’éloignent du Soleil, elles continuent à être accélérées à cause du champ électrique du Soleil. Seuls les champs électriques sont requis pour accélérer les particules chargées dans l'espace. Et même les rapprochements de planètes amènent la puissance électrique à générer des arcs entre les planètes et les lunes. Tous les corps rocheux dans le Système Solaire montrent les énormes cicatrices des ces arcs électrique (Ex.: Les énormes crevasses sur Mars).

La rotation est une fonction normale des courants électriques agissants l'un sur l'autre dans le plasma. Les courants peuvent pincer les matières ensemble pour former des étoiles et des galaxies en rotation. Plusieurs des mystères les plus fondamentaux de l'astronomie trouvent leur résolution dans le comportement du plasma.

The Electric Universe consideration opens an entire new domain of study that is left to be explored. It is a complete foreign concept to Earthlings and it places all our space technology obsolete. Creating spaceships and vessels operating in the context of the Electric Universe involves profound changes not only to the mechanics, physics and dynamics, even our basic concepts have to be completely redefined. It would be like starting from scratch!
Therefore, the ESFA have decided to utilise means of propulsion pertaining to the finest advanced concepts of technology for allowing to comply with the humanitarian concepts of unilateral respect and with the gravitational theory, as per space technology developments.

ESFA Standard Technology
Space Fleet Maintenance and Equipment.

[Part of the Space Fleet Maintenance Complex, SFMC]

- Deuterium
A process for the electrolysis of heavy water (Deuterium) which results in the production of high purity deuterium without periodic replenishment of the electrolyte with additional deuterated compounds. Electrolysis is effected through the use of a cation-action permselective membrane which is essentially a solid polymer electrolyte (Dilithium) and which is capable of automatically separating the evolved deuterium and oxygen gas. This cation-active permselective membrane does not introduce any intrinsic impurities or tritium contamination in the generated deuterium gas, does not require periodic revitalisation with deuterated compounds or other chemical compounds, and is characterised by an unusually high electrical efficiency.

- Tritium (3H) for Plasma injection fuel:
The tritium is produced in significant amounts by bombarding lithium with a neutron flux. The light isotope (6Li), present in natural lithium at a rate of 7,5%, captures the neutrons and gives tritium and helium cores.

Dilithium (Li2) [Real Dilithium Crystals]:
1- A diatomic molecule comprising two lithium atoms covalently bonded together. Li2Te molecular weight. Molar mass of Li2Te = 141.482 g/mol. This compound is also known as Lithium Telluride.

- Lithium (Li) has two stable isotopes with mass numbers of 6 and 7 with relative abundance of 7.5 and 92.5%. The former isotope is used for the production of tritium, extra heavy hydrogen.

- Lithium minerals are mainly utilised in the manufacture of lithium carbonate which is the starting point for the manufacture of various chemicals that are used in lubricating greases, ceramics, alkaline storage battery.

- Lithium chloride is largely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning plants as it is one of the most hygroscopic of all inorganic salts. For example, Lithium hydroxide is used for absorbing carbon dioxide in submarines and as a constituent of respirators.

- Lithium finds small use in alloying with metals of higher melting points, like Cr, Al, Mg, Cu, Pb and Zn. It imparts toughness and tensile strength to the alloy.

- Isolation parts in the propulsion means.
A diene is a molecule which contains two carbon-carbon double bonds. Diene polymers are similar to vinyl polymers, but vinyl polymers are made from monomers with only one carbon-carbon double bond. Diene monomers can link together in more than one way. Isoprene is even more complicated, and polyisoprene can have four different repeat units. Because these diene polymers have double bonds in the backbone chains, they can be crosslinked by a process called vulcanisation. This is done by heating the polymer with sulphur. When crosslinked, diene polymers are solid, stretchable elastomers over a large temperature range. A sulphur-vulcanisable rubber composition comprising at least one functionalised or modified diene polymer and carbon black as reinforcing filler. The rubber molecules become cross-linked to a greater or lesser extent. This makes the bulk material harder, much more durable and also more resistant to chemical attack. It also makes the surface of the material smoother and prevents it from sticking to metal or plastic chemical catalysts.

2- Dilithium
- Solid polymer electrolyte, acting as a cation-action permselective membrane, which is capable of automatically separating the evolved deuterium and oxygen gas in the electrolysis of heavy water (Deuterium) process.

Dilithium Crystal Applications:
The crystal structure, vibrational spectra, and thermal behaviour of Dilithium piperazinium(2+), selenate tetrahydrate and Dilithium N, N' dimethylpiperazinium (2+) selenate tetrahydrate.

- Dielectric components,
- Sensor and data acquisition means,
- Micro-electromechanical devices.

It is impractical, in terms of volume and weight, to completely stock spacecraft with oxygen, food, and water for long periods of time.

The food, or the supply of nutrients, is taken care of by provisioning the personnel, staff and crews both on the ground and in space with Organic Nutrients Caplets (O.N.C.).

Rationing and recycling is an essential part of daily life in space. All personnel, staff and crews release water when they exhale or sweat. Such vapours add to the ambient cabin humidity, which is eventually collected, condensed, and returned to the general water supply.

First, primary water containers are providing the basic reserves.

Second, the water processor/regenerative system collects humidity and recycles almost every drop of water. It reclaims waste waters from urine, from oral and body hygiene, and by condensing humidity from the air. This recycled water leaving the purification machines is even cleaner than what is available on Earth.

Water purification machines in spaceships partly mimic the natural processes, without relying on microbes or any other living things.

The water purification machines are cleaning wastewater in a three-step process.

1- The first step is a filter that removes particles and debris.
2- Then the water passes through the "multi-filtration beds, which contain substances that remove organic and inorganic impurities.

3- The "catalytic oxidation reactor" removes volatile organic compounds and kills bacteria and viruses.

In Lg./ConfHab, the personnel use a wash cloth. They wet the wash cloth with a spray nozzle and then use the cloth to wash their hands and body. They do that with less than one-tenth the water that people typically use on Earth. Gradually, some water is lost because the reprocessing technology is never 100 percent efficient. Therefore, they always need re-supply.

Oxygen generator uses electrolysis to separate water into breathable oxygen.
1- The system produces oxygen by tapping into the spacecraft's water system.
2- Through the process of electrolysis, it splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
3- The oxygen is delivered into the habitats, mixed with nitrogen (Azote) to be breathable, while the hydrogen is stored and recycled for water production from carbon dioxide, which is collected by the carbon dioxide removal system.

Advanced Propulsion Systems

In the Ground/Orbit flights, the reactors have been utilising Hydrogen-Oxygen-Highly refined kerosene as means of propulsion. (See: Quantic Chamber technology, which is applied now). In the Spacecraft Fleet, several Interstar class systems are utilising sub-particles picked up from the surrounding medium to produce electricity. Other systems are utilising Oxygen and Hydrogen cryogenic cells for supplying electricity and life support, and Fuel Reactant propulsion resulting in continual thrust.

Plasma Engine.
The Impulse Propulsion Reactors (Retro Att.) are making use of plasma injectors to release the amount of energy in a short delay resulting in impulses and/or boost thrusts.

Ion drive thrusters use an electric field to accelerate charged atoms or molecules (e.g., oxygen) to a high velocity as they are expelled out the thrust chamber, thus accelerating the spacecraft.

The Plasma Thruster consists of a cylindrical chamber (~10cm in diameter) with a central spike. Both spike and cylinder are made of ferrous material, and incorporate magnetic windings so as to create a transverse (radial) magnetic field across the exit. The walls are insulated, the base serves as an anode. External to the thruster is a separate, hollow, cathode. About 95% of the propellant (originally Xenon or Krypton, ESFA's Deuterium/Tritium) is metered into the thruster, and 5% to the cathode. In operation, a discharge is struck between cathode and anode. As electrons are much lighter than ions, one would expect most of the current to be carried by the electrons, but that same lightness makes it hard for them to cross the transverse field across the thruster exit. Some manage to trickle through anyway and keep the discharge running, but there is always a surplus of electron shagging around outside the thrust chamber.

This creates a strong electric field (~100 V/cm) which sucks out ions from the anode discharge region. Being fairly heavy, they don't so much notice the magnetic field, and with the field strength involved they end up moving at 15-25 kilometres per second. They pick up electrons from the accumulated surplus as they pass, not slowing for that any more than they did the magnetic field, and the resulting bulk-neutral plasma proceeds ballistically towards infinity.

Interstar class vessels are utilising Plasma Injection Reactors (a version of the Ion Thruster, Plasma Drive), to obtain the propulsion factor which is needed for the retro thrust manoeuvres.
Development of plasma injector: (gases made up of electrically charged particles).

A plasma propulsion engine is a kind of Ion thruster which uses plasma in some or all parts of the thrust generation process. Though far less powerful than rocket engines, plasma engines are able to operate at higher efficiencies and for longer periods of time. Plasma engines are better suited for retro-thrust manoeuvres and reliable for long-distance interplanetary space travel missions.
The plasma thrusters constrains a flowing plasma in an asymmetric magnetic bottle and exhausts it through a magnetic nozzle to produce thrust.

The injector is a plasma source located on the axis of symmetry, forward of the series of coils forming the constraining magnetic field. The injector is intended to produce a well-collimated jet of highly ionised plasma which will enter the central cell of the machine through its forward mirror.

- Measure electron density and temperature profiles, electrostatic plasma fluctuations, and plasma flow profiles.

- Measuring ion energy distribution function profiles in the rocket plume, giving a measurement of total thrust.

Plasma drive propulsion (retro-thrust):

The "Christine Charles effect":
(Plasma: gases made up of electrically charged particles)

The tremendous heat breaks down the atoms into negative electrons and positive ions. In a tube radio waves do the same thing. The plasma in the tube spontaneously flows to the right, when a particular magnetic field is applied. Because it has no end, the tube responds by shooting off to the left. This is used to manoeuvre a vessel in space. The plasma retro-thruster is incredibly simple in principle. Basically there are a couple of copper coils on the outside and inside there is a glass tube.

Gas (like argon, deuterium, tritium) is squirted into one end of the tube. Inside it’s turned into a plasma by bombarding it with radio waves. So it’s the same sort of principle as heating water in a microwave; you bombard the water with microwaves, here you are using radio waves to create the plasma. Once that is done, the magnetic field created by the coils pushes the plasma in that direction, which creates thrust pushing the spacecraft away. The key to the drive is creating the right shaped magnetic field with the copper coils. The magic shape is a cone. This pushes the plasma out the back with maximum thrust. The retro-thrusters are equipped with tanks of gas, to be turned into the plasma, and the power source, for the magnetic field and radio waves, can be nuclear (cold fusion) or thermoelectric (NCC).

The gas needed is far less the amount of fuel a chemical rocket requires. That means more gas can be carried without increasing the weight.

The Fusion Reaction Chamber (FRC):
The FRC has a variety of attributes (high beta, natural deviator, compact linear geometry) which produce a superior reactor. These same qualities make them even more attractive as fusion engine for deep space missions due to strict constraints on size, complexity and weight.

The first step toward attaining a viable FRC reactor/propulsion unit is the development of a simplified formation process that allows for FRC sustainment (Star Thruster). To do this, using a rotating magnetic field at 0.5 MHz for current drive. A high power (> 10 MW) solid state switching circuit to produce the required 100G field for at least 0.2 msec. An additional high Q tank circuit is used for heating at a similar power level and frequency. The FRC is generated in a quartz tube 3m long with a 0.2m radius.

(To Power the Plasma Engines)
Note: FRC/Cold Fusion: Obsolete,
Replaced with the e115 thermoelectric reaction in NCC System.

Producing a "tabletop" nuclear fusion reaction, the observation of anomalous heating ("excess heat") of an electrolytic cell during electrolysis of heavy water using palladium (Pd) electrodes. The heat comes from nuclear fusion of deuterium (D), (Excess heat, tritium, helium4, neutrons or other nuclear effects).

The Deuterium and Tritium (3H) Reaction (Plasma Drive retro-thrusters):
A mixture of deuterium and tritium being heated and compressed. The D-T mixture is heated to a temperature and pressure such that thermonuclear fusion occurs. This process releases a flood of 14 MeV neutrons which cause additional fission in the device, greatly increasing its efficiency.
Plasma injection fuel production (Deuterium / Tritium) is located on Mars, and operated within the ground base facility Mars base Straker MRTI (R.F.S. Research Facility Settlement). Other MRTI facilities are installed on planets where the required resources are found.


The Interstar Class vessels need a constant very powerful propulsion that offers an acceptable Distance/Length ratio, for allowing space travel. According to Newton's third law, for every action force there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction force; the old fuel combustion/reaction propulsion yields no margin to be useful at all. For any amount of fuel (weight) will always produce barely enough thrust only to propels itself. This is a no-way-out equation: More fuel brings more weight to move! The solution is found in Force-Field Propulsion.
The NCC electrical Power and Nacel Fields:

[Considering the well known corpuscular and quantum theories]

A combination of protons and neutrons can form a stable element having an atomic number (number of proton) much higher than the elements which are actually found on the periodic table. Usually, the stability of these very heavy elements decreases with the increase in their atomic number (quantity of proton). Nevertheless, that is true only up to a certain point. For example, the half-life of element 109 is longer than that of element 108, indicating the proximity to an island of stability in the periodic table.

Considering the element 115, the significant attribute of such a stable heavy element is that the cohesion wave (the "force" responsible for the inherent cohesion of the nucleus elements) is there in so great abundance it exceeds the perimeter of the atom itself. It overflows. Thus, this stable heavy element is surrounded by its own cohesion wave. Because it does not occurs naturally, this kind of element (e115) must be synthesised (combined).

Although the distance of the cohesion wave exceeding the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it remains accessible. Moreover, it has an amplitude and a frequency, just like any wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Therefore, it is enough to reach to that cohesion wave, and then to amplify it, just like a normal electromagnetic wave.

The Energy (electricity) and Power (propulsion wave).
The Energy necessary to the system and for the vessel, as well as the cohesion wave responsible for the propulsion, they both come from the treatment of only one and single source: The element 115 (e115).

A- The Propulsion Field:
The cohesion wave emanates from the core of element 115 and overflows its atomic perimeter. In the first circuit, the cohesion wave is taken and conveyed to the Field Generator (a nacel).
In the Field Generator (Nacel), the wave is amplified, focused, then expelled outward in a local radiation, which surrounds and wraps the vessel. Depending on its focusing, this "force field", which emanates from the generators, is an amplified and condensed radiation having a propelling value, compared to the local cosmic pressure. This radiation constitute the antigravitational field, which propels the apparatus.

B- The Energy:
In the second circuit, the element 115 is bombarded with protons. That transmutes element 115 into element 116, which is unstable and begins its degradation immediately by emitting particles (chemical degradation). Then, a gaseous substance is incorporated to the particles emission causing, at the end of the process, the total annihilation of the element.

This reaction involves a great emission of heat. Heat is converted into energy by a simple application of the thermodynamic reaction: A thermoelectric generator. The usual conversion of matter into energy.

The electric current is then distributed to all the components of the vessel.

Nucleus Cohesion Condenser (NCC).
Electric Power (Thermoelectric Generator),
and Nacel Feed (Nucleus Cohesion Wave Extraction).

MAIN ENGINE: Core Engine:
1- Nucleus Cohesion Wave Extraction from the e115,
which is then conveyed to the 2 nacels (One on each side of the vessel).

2- Thermoelectric Reaction producing electric current.
Upper Core: Gas injection system (reducing the e115 gamma radiation states as the elimination process leading to the thermoreaction).

Nacel: Propulsion Field Generator.
Anti-Gravitation Field.

The cohesion Wave, arriving from the reactor, is amplified, focused, and then expelled outward as a local radiation. The focussing of the wave brings a propulsion value, compared to the local medium (space environment).

ESFA scientists Major Findings.

Tachyon particle.
A sub-particle which has an electromagnetic energy level that is negative (less than 0).

Therefore, it can pass through the electrically charged matter (normal matter), since normal particles have no effect on it. This particularity is the reason why it was thought that its speed was higher than light-speed (which is an inconsistency). But, in fact, it is not. The Tachyon sub-particle is travelling through the normal matter, making it look like it is going faster than light.
Forcing tachyon sub-particles to spin in a circle, and maintaining their movement on a particular place in space is developing a "singularity" (tachyon field), which is known as wormhole.

Remember that a Planet is part of a Solar System, A solar system is located inside a Constellation, A constellation (group of stars) is in a Galaxy, A galaxy is found in a SuperCluster (Group of galaxies), and so forth. For example: The Earth is in the Solar System, the solar system is in the Orion Arm Constellation, That constellation is in the Milkyway Galaxy, which is found in the Virgo SuperCluster.

We are talking about millions of light-years !

The speed of light is 300,000Km/s (Kilometres per second). The distances involved between the galaxies are ranges travelled at light speed, during a number of years. Travelling AT light speed FOR thousands of years is not possible, hence not realistic.

In physics, a wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature of space that is basically a 'shortcut' through space. A wormhole has at least two mouths which are connected to a single throat or tube. If the wormhole is traversable, matter can 'travel' from one mouth to the other by passing through the throat.

The possibility of traversable wormholes, in general relativity, was first demonstrated by Kip Thorne and his graduate student Mike Morrisin a 1988 paper. For this reason, the type of traversable wormhole they proposed, held open by a spherical shell of exotic matter, is referred to as a "Morris-Thorne wormhole".

It is known that "Lorentzian wormholes" are not excluded within the framework of general relativity. Lorentzian traversable wormholes would allow travel from one part of the universe to another part, very quickly. This is referred to as Wormhole Jump.

A traversable wormhole has to be held open by a spherical shell of exotic matter. Therefore, the Wormhole Shell has to be install by a specific space station. That wormhole-provider facility has to be assigned somewhere orbiting a planet in the solar system. For example, Triton (the largest moon of Neptune) can host the wormhole-provider space station (WRMHL-Station).

Interstar class vessels have to reach the WRMHL-Station for then being able to reach a particular solar system. From Earth solar system to Ursa Majoris solar system (47Um) for example.

The vast distances (deep-space) separating quadrons, or solar systems inside a galaxy, are not to travel anyway. Because that would simply be of no use at all, unless a specific expedition has the mandate to conduct exploration or scientific studies in such a sector. And it needs the Wormhole Jump to get there.

The Starflight Era

Today, in 2109ve (ve: Virtual Era, normal JC era +100yrs = 2109ve. The Starflight era), the ESFA is operating both inside and outside the limits of our solar system. The organisation has remote stations and settlements in other solar systems. The Organisation provides space travelling around the Sun, and colony transfer voyages toward abroad foreign sectors and solar systems.

People on the Earth have the opportunity to establish a career in one of many fields that are presented by the ESFA Organisation. A variety of sub-contractors are either supplying different components, elements and equipment or handling divers material, like the solid return compounds (SRC).

The cargo port is located at Habana, in Cuba. It is the FireFly vessel harbour, the main middleweight cargo carrier among the fleet. All the many space stations, planetary bases and settlements need a constant supply of provisions and commodities. These have to come from the nearest planet that has an ecosystem where manufacturers and assemblers can produce the water, the nutrients (ONC), the equipment, and the required propulsion components. These are forming the freights (space-cargo) that has to be carried back and forth in order to maintain the activities in space. The middleweight carrier tasks are ranging from fast courier service to deep-space haulage, handling and transport of freight. Standard shipping and large-scale re-supply to large bases, and to ground settlements. Light re-supply to smaller bases and outposts. Life support and other refrigerated goods. Light fueller, general spacecraft re-fuelling, hydrogen, oxygen, acetylene and other compressed liquids. Heavy fueller, large-scale re-fuelling and fuel transport to deep-space freighters, stations and major bases. Heavy transport of bulk dry goods, machinery, equipment etc. Also exploration and colonisation packages for assisting new settlements. After that, the permanent settlements and the colony establishments on planets in other solar systems are supplying for their needs.

The central base and head quarters are located at San Marco, in Kenya. This is where the ESFA Offices and main control departments are. In addition to the space vessel anchorage and the Academy itself, it also provides facilities for the staff and crews on the ground. The central base is the main spaceport toward two space stations in orbit, as the Earth front-line installations. The ESFA-MiR (passengers transboarding) and the ESFA-ISS (Earth-Gateway).

- The ESFA-ISS offers space navigation support. Satellite network control and maintenance port. Space routes assignation and clearance issuance for allowing arrivals and departures to and from the Moon (outer space gateway) or Mars (solar system gateway), and orbits around the Earth. Space ships normal maintenance outpost. Vessel pilots and crews transit facility. Mission report and data transfer relay station. Laboratories and research facilities are also available for international scientists.

Satellite network: LDEF-a (telecomm) /b (telemetry),
[Local Data Encoder Facility]
Carina (ESFA specific Comm Sat),
Hubble telescope.

- The ESFA-MiR space station, as the vessel transboarding control and facility, is allowing the passengers to move from a vessel to another. For accessing a particular vessel, Orbiters are bringing the passengers from the ground to the MiR station. Then, shuttles in orbit are taking the passengers from MiR to the vessel. This is the most secure way to handle a large group of people entering and exiting space vessels. MiR also offers a space laboratory and science analysis facility.

From the solar system perspective, the Moon is the Outer Space Gateway. The orbiting circular space station, Luna-OB (the Wheel), is providing the interstar voyages Navigation and primary communication control. The local satellite network control and maintenance port. Space routes assignation and clearance issuance for allowing arrivals and departures to and from the solar system, via the Wormhole-Station (worm-hole jump provider orbiting Triton, Neptune).
- The Luna-OB station is assuming the moon orbit control, clearances and outer space routes, Brighton Beach ground base/terminal, SHADO-Base R.F.S. transits, and the abroad settlements arrival and departure relay. Also, it offers vessel pilots and crews transit facility. Mission report and data transfer relay station. Medical facility. R.F.S. relays. Moon observation instruments. Laboratories and research facilities are available for international scientists.

Satellite network: LDEF-a (telecomm),
Carina (ESFA Comm Sat).

Because the moon has a low gravity and no atmosphere, the passenger boarding can be performed by shuttles directly from and to the ground. Passengers are landing on the moon for awaiting boarding their respective vessel.

- Moon-base Brighton Beach is the spaceport (landing pads), with facilities for the pilots, staff, crews, and cargo conveyance. From there, the passengers are transported by the monorail train to the Brighton Beach Terminal. The scientists and crews are transported by shuttles to and from the SHADO-Base, the Research Facility Settlement (R.F.S.) on the moon.

- Ground base SHADO-Base (R.F.S. Research Facility Settlement).
This is an advanced science plant where scientists and technicians can stay and perform explorations, researches and experiments from a natural low gravity/no atmosphere context.

Natural Resources Development,
Space Advance Technologies,
Bio-Support Laboratory.

From the Earth standpoint, the planet Mars is the Solar System Gateway. It is the exploration and outpost sites recognition arrival and departure control installation. Inside our solar system, Mars front-line is providing the space voyages primary communication control. Space routes assignation and clearance issuance for allowing arrivals and departures to and from planets inside the solar system. The local satellite network control and maintenance port.

Satellite network: LDEF-a (telecomm),
Carina (ESFA Comm Sat).

Because Mars has a low gravity and no atmosphere, the passenger boarding can be performed by shuttles directly from and to the ground. Passengers are landing on Mars for awaiting boarding their respective vessel.

- The ESFA-Mirage space station, as the vessel correspondence control and facility (like MiR), is allowing the pilots, crews, and passengers to move from a vessel to another (transfer). Shuttles in orbit are carrying the passengers back and forth from Mirage to the ground, and from a vessel to another. Mirage controls all the flight preparation, arrivals and departures, solar system NAV, communication centre, routes monitoring and exploration data. Mars departures and arrivals, Olympus ground base transits, R.F.S. MRTI transits. Mirage also offers a solar system observation and analysis laboratory.

- Mars Olympus Ground-base (settlement).
Olympus is the main permanent ground base on Mars. It serves as both a control centre for passengers transits and a material storage plant. The Space Transit Control (Landing pad 3) is managing the arrival and departure from and to space. The Ground Transit Control (Landing pad 2) manages the transports to and from MRTI facility. The Cargo Transit Control (Landing pad 1) manages the transportation of material and cargo handling (standard shipping and freight).

The material storage plant offers 3 separate buildings for polymers storage (Dilithium, Lithium), for deuterium storage and for tritium storage. The deuterium and tritium are directly conveyed from the storage buildings to the landing pad 1, by special tubes for loading and emptying.

Landing Pad 1 and storage buildings:
1 and 2- Deuterium and Tritium (3H) are the main plasma reactor injection fuels, in the plasma drive retro-thrusters.

3- Dilithium is utilised as a solid polymer electrolyte for the electrolysis of deuterium, and Dilithium crystal applications.

4- Lithium Telluride (Dilithium crystal).
The former isotope is used for the production of tritium, extra heavy hydrogen.
Lithium minerals are mainly utilised in the manufacture of lithium carbonate (lubricating greases, ceramics, alkaline storage battery).

Lithium chloride is largely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning plants. Lithium finds small use in alloying with metals of higher melting points, like Cr, Al, Mg, Cu, Pb and Zn. Isolation parts in the propulsion means (sulphur-vulcanised rubber).

Landing Pad 2:
Transits and cargo toward MRTI (R.F.S.) ground-base.

Landing Pad 3:
Space exploration and Outpost-Sites-Recognition missions.

- Mars Straker Ground-base settlement.
The Straker Ground-base is divided into two separate plants.
The Research Facility Settlement (R.F.S.) is a science establishment for conducting advanced studies regarding the complete solar system, and local ground exploration and sample examinations as well. The main lab facility offers solar and planetary monitoring, long range scanning, astronomical censoring, analysis and data computing, space energy matrix probing. The pods are presenting sample storage bays on the ground level. Their second level are housing staff and crews habitats (8 persons).

Multi-Resources Treatment Infrastructure (MRTI).
The pod is housing the material temporary storage and port bay on the ground level, for transportation to the Olympus Ground-base. The second level is housing the production and supplying control room for the underground production plant.

Plasma injection fuel production (Deuterium / Tritium):

- Deuterium
The electrolysis of heavy water (Deuterium) is effected through the use of a cation-action permselective membrane, which is essentially a solid polymer electrolyte (Dilithium) and which is capable of automatically separating the evolved deuterium and oxygen gas.

- Tritium (3H) for Plasma injection fuel:
The tritium is produced by bombarding lithium with a neutron flux. The light isotope (6Li), present in natural lithium at a rate of 7,5%, captures the neutrons and gives tritium and helium cores.

- Oxygen and Helium are stored and transported to other plants, which are utilising those in the manufacturing of other compounds.

Plasma injection fuel:
A mixture of tritium and evolved deuterium is sprayed into one end of the reactor tube. Inside it is turned into a plasma by bombarding it with radio waves. Then, the magnetic field created by the coils pushes the plasma in that direction, which creates thrust pushing the spacecraft away.

- The Wormhole-Station, Triton, Neptune.
This space station is the worm-hole jump provider in our solar system.

The technology involved is providing a Lorenzian sustainable worm-hole as a direct passage corridor trough the space fabric itself. Specific channels are leading to and from the solar systems which the ESFA has identified as Quadrons in the Milkyway galaxy.

Basically, this particular space station consists of six (6) large circular beryllium tubes (one in each of the six pods). The electromagnetic current inside this tube is producing tachyon waves, which can be oriented and focused. The six (6) tachyon waves emitters are aimed together to form a ring-shaped tachyon field under the space station. Then, controlling the gravity of this tachyon field enables to open and close the worm-hole. The tachyon field from the emitter-station has to be connected to the receiver-station and linked to its tachyon field. After the vessel has passed trough the worm-hole, both fields are shut down and the passageway is closed.

A worm-hole corridor can be opened without any receiver-station at the end. However, this kind of a passageway is very unstable and practically unreliable for permanent application. The one-emitter worm-hole is strictly used for the purpose of sending the receiver-station to a new star system. Consequently, there is a Wormhole-Station in every solar systems that are members of the ESFA Quadrons.

Abroad Settlements

The ESFA has 2 abroad settlements in the nearest star systems:
(the Alpha Quadron)

- The Alpha system (A. Centauri),
- The Chara system (Canum Venaticorum).

Alpha System (Alpha Centuri Constellation)

- Hyleos (Alpha2) ground base (settlement) Alpha Control.
Alpha2 planet has a ferrallitic soil and its atmosphere is rich in silicon dioxides and iron oxides. Chemical reaction of the iron in the dust with certain sulphur containing species in the air, forms sulphate aerosols. These aerosols cool the planet both by scattering solar radiation back into space and also by acting as cloud condensation nuclei. Hot during the day and extreme cold at night.

AtmPressure: 101.4Kpa.

- The Hyleos ground settlement complex is the Alpha system central base and head quarters, the main control centre. It is harbouring a permanent colony dedicated to the production of resources and planetary exploration. They are manufacturing the material and equipment that is needed by the whole local fleet.

- Mirror space station (Alpha-Gateway).
As the front-line installation, Mirror provides the interstar voyages primary communication control. The local satellite network control and maintenance port. Space routes assignation and clearance issuance for allowing arrivals and departures to and from the solar system, via the Wormhole-Station (worm-hole jump provider, orbiting Hyleos), to and from the ECS (local Exploration Cosmo-Sphere), Rhoecos/Alpha2a (mineral resources and space relay facilities), and orbits around Hyleos. Local space navigation support. Space ships normal maintenance outpost. Vessel pilots and crews transit facility. Mission report and data transfer relay station.

Satellite network: LDEF-a (telecomm) /b (telemetry),

Because Hyleos has an atmosphere, Mirror is the vessel transboarding control and facility, allowing passengers to move from a vessel to another. For accessing a particular vessel, Orbiters are bringing the passengers from the ground to the Mirror station. Then, shuttles in orbit are taking the passengers from Mirror to the vessel. Mirror also offers a space laboratory and science analysis facility.

- Rhoecos (Alpha2a) ground base:.
The Alpha-Base outpost, on Rhoecos (Hyleos natural satellite), offers a scientific exploration and extraction facility for the mineral resources on the ground, and a space relay facility. Two residence buildings for the local staff (4 persons each). Terminal passenger boarding and Rhoecos terminal flight control facilities. A vessel maintenance outlet allows easy servicing for the spacecrafts. The Outpost Facility presents complete terminal services for temporary stays with residences, computers and medical bay. Scientists and technicians can explore and extract sample for examination and basic analysis before sending large quantities (cargo) to Hyleos treatment complex. There are four (4) separate warehouses, two buildings for mineral storage and two buildings for fuel storage.

The space relay facility allows for fuel re-load, vessel maintenance, pilots and crews vacation.

- Sector outpost Exploration Cosmo-Sphere (ECS2). Orbiting Hyleos (Alpha2).

The colony permanent habitat and harbour is currently populating and organising itself in preparation for the expedition toward a planet among the Outer-ring of the Alpha solar system. Probably Thaumas (A6). This huge planet (79 911Km radius) has 9 natural satellites orbiting around it. As the NCC Explorer team has reached the sector, the decision has been taken to indeed send the E.C.S. The Cosmo-sphere is providing all the necessary services to the expedition within that sector. It is accommodating the local communications, sustaining information relays with the local front-line bases and vessels, with the Earth central-bases (L-OB), and with other space colonies and stations as well.

Chara System (Canum Venaticorum Constellation)

The Chara star has two (2) habitable planets in its plane, Proxima and Adobe. They both have a stable evolved ecosystem based on oxygen. When the ESFA astronomic scanning instruments have been able to examine this system, they have found a foreign civilisation have already been occupying the sector for a number of years. The foreign civilisation has established two (2) major space stations, Geo-dome orbiting Proxima, and Geo orbiting Adobe.

[G.E.O.: Geological Examination Observatory].

After the initial installations were constituted, following the Worm-hole station placement and up to this time, the ESFA instruments have not been able to scan these foreign structures, neither to identify anything at all from them. It remains unknown material. The only information the Organisation did receive from the foreign civilisation has made clear three (3) specific statements: (a)They do not wish to make any contact; (b)They are expecting the solar system (Chara) to remain pristine, and (c)They want to keep their space stations operating. As long as these conditions remain honoured, the ESFA will be unimpeded to operate likewise. The ESFA does respect very highly these requirements and intend to see that they are fully beheld.
Right from the beginning, the ESFA Board, the Council people, and the Advisory Committees, they knew that the organisation was accessing space not utilising the appropriate technology. At that time, the humanist norms of approval had changed everything and everyone was recognising the merit to these values. All human activities on the planet finally came to respect the environment and to protect all living organisms. Companies, societies and organisations have adapted their activities complying with The HNA Standard. The population needed a strong wholesome project presenting the capacity of uniting a great number of individuals. The ESFA thought that by accessing space immediately, utilising the cleanest technologies available, it will come to gather sufficient knowledge to transform its fleet gradually.

In space, the ESFA impulse propulsion reactor appliances are operating with plasma-injection engines, ion drive and plasma thrusters. For the thrust propulsion, the Nucleus Cohesion Condenser technology (NCC) is making use of a thermoelectric generator unit (electricity), and a cohesion wave extractor to run the propulsion field generator (nacel). This whole process is resulting from the treatment of one single material, the element 115 (e115). Both technologies are producing no by-products whatsoever.

However, some middleweight orbiter vessels (ground to orbit transit) were still utilising oxygen, hydrogen, and highly refined kerosene as rocket propellant fuel. These are not allowed to operate in the Chara solar system, neither in any planetary system. And they are not complying with the HNA Standards as environment-friendly applications in the first place. Therefore, the ESFA has been conducting tests regarding operations in atmosphere, taking off to orbiting and de-orbiting into atmosphere utilising environment-friendly propulsion systems.
While the NCC propulsion technology can not be utilised for application in atmosphere and gravity situation, the ESFA scientists have yet accomplished another major improvement.

The Quantic-Chamber Propulsion system:

A Quantic-chamber is a confinement in which a ultra-high pressure state is achieved.
The propellant fuel is a precise combination of highly refined Ethanol (90%) and Propergol (10%). This Ethanopergol is a very stable substance and is not corrosive to the container. The parts and pieces of the mechanism are made of nickel-titane alloy. The Ethanopergol is conducted to a ultra high pressure chamber. When the propellant is ejected out from this chamber, it is ignited by Quantic Laser. The result is a continuous outward explosion in the rocket propelling the vessel.

This Quantic-Chamber reaction is only producing clean exhausts, which does not bring armful chemicals into the atmosphere.

Since the ESFA researchers have recently put together a propulsion system utilising a clean rocket propellant (Quantic Chamber/Ethanopergol), which is complying with the HNA Standards, gradually all vessels utilising rocket propulsion will be fitted with this new system.

Foreign Solar Systems

Omicron Quadron, 47Um star system (Ursa Majoris constellation).
Unexplored, several habitable planets.

Multiple planetary system (Um group),
NCC vessel: Orbiting UMe,

Delta Quadron, Apex star system.
Unexplored, 4 habitable planets.
NCC and Falcon: Orbiting Geneva.

Zigma Quadron, Zlakus star system.
NCC and Falcon: Orbiting Gawter.

Sigma Quadron, Deep-core (local interstellar cloud)/Sigma star system.
Sigma-world federation (S.W.F.)

The Deep Core system defines the organisation of the planets, which are gathered inside and around a micro-nebula of particles and gas. In the Sigma Quadron, the Sigma star system is inhabited and its civilisation has reached a technology level that is comparable to the Earth’s knowledge, though theirs is slightly in advanced. A contact was made with representatives and they have stated that their Sigma-World Federation (S.W.F.) agrees to meet exclusively in space environment (in definite sectors), to share occasionally limited information, and to grant the ESFA fleet access only to some particular spaceports on the ground. Their species have evolved into several branches as they established on different planets. The Endorians are living on Endor, the third (3rd.) planet’s moon, Endormoon planet. Its low axial declination stabilises the seasonal variation. Its atmosphere has oxygen (101.4Kpa.), much like the Earth. The Endorians are vegetarians. They have adopted a nutrition habit that feeds on organic nutrient capsules, much like those the ESFA has introduced on the Earth.

After entering the Chara system, the ESFA has detailed its own prime directives, from the Chara civilisation’s three (3) specific requirements and the Sigma World Federation’s statements.

ESFA Mandatory Directives:
1- Attempt to make contact only if the foreign civilisations agree;
2- All civilisations are expecting the solar systems to remain pristine;
3- As long as these conditions remain honoured;

the ESFA fleet is allowed to remain operating inside a planetary system.
Otherwise, the ESFA fleet must leave the system.

Sigma-World Federation open spaceports for ESFA Fleet:
- Tatooine planet (NCC and Falcon in orbit),
- Endormoon planet,
- Yavin4 planet,
- Coruscant planet,
- Hott planet,
- Naboo planet,

Epsilon Quadron, Eru star system.
Santisian world.

In the Epsilon Quadron, the Eru star system is inhabited and its civilisation has reached a technology level that is comparable to the knowledge on the Earth. The Santisians are living on Santis, the first planet orbiting Torkarr (the third planet on Eru’s plane). Its atmosphere has an atmosphere (101.4Kpa.) much like the Earth. Same as the Sigma-World Federation, their civilisation is slightly in advanced to ours. The Santisian population have already established several urban areas on Canova (5th. planet orbiting Torkarr). A contact was made with representatives and they have stated that their civilisation agrees to meet exclusively in space environment (in definite sectors), to share occasionally limited information, and to grant the ESFA fleet access only to some particular spaceports on the ground.

The ESFA fleet has been allowed to establish its own ground stations on the planet Galidon (7th. and last planet on Eru’s plane). Also, the Santisians have opened their space station (C2) to our crews.

Foreign Space Station: C2 Wheels (Santisian): Orbiting Galidon.

As of yet, we do not know very much about these foreign civilisations, about the specific dynamics which are involved among these planets, and how it allowed life to develop. They appear extremely cautious, firm, and hesitant in their communications. The fact that they are able to translate and communicate with our people presents clearly their advance in knowledge. The ESFA has everything to learn in this complete new realm of inter-civilisations relation.
Our emphasis will remain on performing studies mainly from space, observation and monitoring, collecting samples and gathering data. Settlements and colonies will be implemented only in planetary systems where the evolution is above humanoid presence.

Advanced Post Settlement

Personal and material

1st Phase Expedition:

Mapping and recognisance;
Probes, rovers and drones,
survey to identify the places,
Opportunities localised,
Planning group, and preparation.

- -

2nd Phase Expedition:

Site assembling,
Energy and Life support structures,
Construction and maintenance,
Staff, personnel and crews.

- -

3rd Phase Expedition:

Colony Settlers;
Ports, Services, Operations.

Actual Overall Configuration.


Alpha solar system (Alpha Centauri).

Chara solar system
(Beta, Canum Vanaticorum).

Ursa Majoris System (UMS),
Multiple planetary system:

Uma 1
Umb 1-24 (Umb6: habitable)
Umc 1-14 (Umc4: water)
Umd 1-4
Ume 1

Apex Star System

Main Planets:
Repson (H),
Atrius (H),
Cyprusent (H),
Geneva (H).

Zlakus star system,

Main Planets:
Gwater; Bio (H)

Sigma World Federation (SW-F);
inside The Deep Core system,

Federation of planets:
Tattooine (H),
Endor (H),
Yavin (Yavin4=H),
Dagobath (H),
Hoth (H),
Naboo (H).

Eru Star system,

Main Planets:
Torkar; Moon Santis (H);
The Santisian Civilisation
Gaius; Riak; Canova (H); Dezemma (H)

3dplanets is a futuristic, immersive society accessible via the Internet. 3dplanets citizens can use personalized 3D avatars to represent themselves and they can own free personal 3D homes, hold jobs, form clubs (moons), shop in the virtual mall, dance in the nightclub, play games in the Casinoand Arcade, get free 3dplanets e-mail addresses, attend live celebrity and author chat events and more...

Citizens are actively involved in the social structure of the community and with each other, making 3dplanets a true community that is created by its own residents.

Take a look for yourself:


[ 3D Space Colony/Residences: Click on the image ]